Astro Alliance
Sic itur ad astra

"Sic itur ad astra", meaning: that’s how you reach the stars. Astro Alliance’s motto, inspired by the Roman poet Virgil, is the best way to summarize the company’s mission: offering a wide range of professional solutions, designed to get in touch with the sky above us.

Astro Alliance designs, manufactures and sells instruments and equipment for astronomy since 2015 thanks to its personnel’s unmatched skills, to the best facilities and to several collaborations with highly regarded operators in this field.

Faithful to its philosophy and guided in each step of its operations by the constant desire to allow its customers to reach the stars, Astro Alliance is rapidly growing both in Italy and in the whole world. The sky’s not the limit anymore, finally.



Astro Alliance’s professional telescopes, designed and manufactured by the company for private customers and institutions, are perfect for both astronomy and aerospace applications. The instruments are available in a wide range of versions, types and sizes to make sure every customer can find the best possible solution.
The company also sells high-end equipment manufactured by its international partners, like Officina Stellare.



Entirely designed and manufactured in Italy, Astro Alliance’s telescope mounts are available with 200, 100 and 50 kilograms of actual load. The mounts are built with anodized aluminium and steel. They’re assembled with the highest accuracy and can offer unrivaled endurance and state of the art precision.



Astro Alliance manufactures domes for observatories and planetariums. The first ones are available with clamshell structures or in a more traditional version with standard mechanics, while the second ones are designed and assembled in two different versions for indoor or outdoor use. The domes can be employed by private customers or public organizations.
